Confidence in artificial intelligence through standards

2021-03-09 German standardization roadmap on AI presented.
Artificial intelligence has already become an indispensable part of the digital world. But it is also clear that a technology will only be used successfully across the board if society accepts it. Although companies are increasingly recognizing the opportunities offered by AI, the general public is sometimes opposed to it due to a lack of trust and ethical concerns. Rules and regulations are therefore needed to ensure that ethical values are adhered to.
This is where norms and standards come in: They describe technical requirements and define quality criteria. This contributes to robust AI and makes it easier to assess the reliability of the results of AI systems. Both strengthen confidence in this technology. Another advantage is that if Germany manages to integrate European value standards into AI applications through standardization, German AI products can find greater acceptance worldwide.
On behalf of the German government, a group of experts has therefore developed a standardization roadmap for artificial intelligence. This roadmap has two main objectives: First, it is intended to provide an overview of existing AI norms and standards. To this end, it describes the environment in which AI standardization is taking place. Secondly, it is intended to show where there is still a need for standardization. On this basis, the roadmap formulates concrete recommendations for action.
The AI standardization roadmap is divided into seven key topics:
– Fundamentals
– Ethics/Responsible AI
– Quality, conformity assessment and certification
– IT security for AI systems
– Industrial Automation
– Mobility/Logistics
– AI in medicine
/1/ German Standardization Roadmap on Artificial Intelligence