Corona Special with Andrea Martin – Leader IBM Watson Center Munich (2020-04-02, EN)

In this interview I have the pleasure to exchange with Andrea Martin.

Andrea Martin is the Leader IBM Watson Center Munich. She also is an IBM Distinguished Engineer.


  1. What’s the difference?
  2. Digital Homeoffice – new?
  3. Daily socializing routine?
  4. More intimate collaborations?
  5. How do we cope with our limited life?
  6. How to organize your day?
  7. Fast-Forward to the Digital Transformation?
  8. COVID-19 for Future?
  9. Rediscovering solidarity?
  10. Funniest confinement situations?

It was my greatest pleasure Andrea!

Enjoy watching it!

Full Interview:

The following links lead you to the different features:

  1. What’s the difference? (
  2. Digital Homeoffice – new? (
  3. Daily socializing routine? (
  4. More intimate collaborations? (
  5. How do we cope with our limited life? (
  6. How to organize your day? (
  7. Fast-Forward to the Digital Transformation? (
  8. COVID-19 for Future? (
  9. Rediscovering solidarity? (
  10. Funniest confinement situations? (

Marc-Oliver Pahl founded "Being Human with Algorithms / Mensch Sein mit Algorithmen" in 2018 within the German Chapter of the ACM together with Gerhard Schimpf, Ruth Stubenvoll, Ernst-Oliver Wilhelm, and Eberhard Schmolz. He is also the originator of the motto and the logo. Marc-Oliver is Research Director at the Institut Mines Telecom (IMT) Atlantique in Rennes, France. He also heads the IoT Smart Space Orchestration team at Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany. His research is on enabling an open, secure, and fully connected Internet of Things, where everybody can contribute software programs that literally change the world. Fostering a dialog between technology leaders and the rest of the society is a central goal of Marc-Oliver. Besides this website, a major contribution in this direction is his interview series with relevant people about aspects of the Digital Transformation. Marc-Oliver holds several teaching prices including the Ernst Otto Fischer prize for excellence in teaching. He is responsible for the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) "iLabX - The Internet Masterclass" ( on edX. It teaches the technical aspects of the backbone of the Digital Transformation: the Internet. Marc-Oliver is a long time member of is a professional member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the German Society for Informatics (GI), the Deutscher Hochschullehrerverband (DHV), the German Chapter of the ACM, and Faculty Sponsor of the ACM Student Chapter in Munich. He is vice president of the German Chapter of the ACM (2020-2023). In his spare time he is also a photographer, designer, musician, and enthusiastic sportsman.

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