Auf der Basis einer im November veröffentlichten Umfrage, in der knapp über 1.000 Bundesbürger telefonisch befragt wurden, kommt die Bitkom zu dem Schluss, dass die Bundesbürger in allen Lebensbereichen grundsätzlich große Chancen beim Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) sehen wie z.B. in der Verkehrssteuerung, bei der Übertragung körperlich belastende Tätigkeiten, bei der Beschleunigung von Verwaltungstätigkeiten, bei der Steigerung der Innovationkraft in der Forschung, in der Bearbeitung von Service-Anfragen, bei der Aufklärung von Verbrechen und bei der Erstellung von Diagnosen in der Medizin.
In der gleichen Umfrage wird aber auch sichtbar, dass viele der befragten Bürger neben den Chancen auch große Risiken im verstärkten Einsatz von KI-Lösungen sehen wie z.B. dass KI Machtmissbrauch und Manipulation Tür und Tor öffnet, die Vorurteile der Programmierer abbildet, faktenbasierte Entscheidungen vorgaukelt oder KI den Menschen entmündigt oder sich irgendwann gar gegen den Menschen richtet.
Since more than 30 years Ernst O. Wilhelm has devoted himself to matters of software development and IT management in general and since 15 years to matters of data protection and security in particular.
He started his career with a diploma (comparable to a master’s degree) in computer science from Technical University Berlin, today he is serving as Chief Privacy Officer for GFT Technologies SE and responsible for the worldwide data protection programme of the GFT group.
His special interest is focused on raising the awareness for the necessity of data protection and security as indispensable prerequisites for digitalization as well as a stronger interlocking of legal and technical considerations to foster data protection by design and by default.
Ernst O. Wilhelm is active in the computer science and data protection community on national and international level: He is a longstanding member of the German Informatics Society (GI) where he is among others member of the presidium and the working group on matters of data protection and IT security. In addition, he is member of the executive board of the German Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Moreover, he is associated with the German Association of Law and Informatics (DGRI) and longstanding member of the German Association for Data Protection and Data Security (GDD) of which he holds a certification in privacy management (GDDcert). Furthermore, Mr. Wilhelm is associate of the scientific committee and honorary member of the Association of Data Protection Officers in Italy (ASSO DPO). Last but not least, Mr. Wilhelm is member of the International Training Faculty and European Advisory Board as well as chair of the KnowledgeNet Stuttgart of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). He is an accredited Fellow of Information Privacy (FIP) and holder of the CIPP/E, CIPM and CIPT credentials of the IAPP.